Most Advanced National
Parcel Layer Service

Join the scores of businesses and governments subscribing to arguably the most advanced National Parcel Layer [NPL] Service available for optimal, confident, data-driven decisions. Weighing in at 685Gb, ParcelAtlas has an exclusive as the only NPL deployed INSIDE ArcGIS Online. As perhaps the world’s largest Single Hosted Feature Layer, all but 4% of all USA parcels are assigned dense current property attributes including a National Parcel Number assigned by Parcelndex© to every parcel boundary. ParcelAtlas mirrors over 22 years of experience, pioneering the National Parcel Layer industry that has enabled all to take due diligence, accountability, and analytical rigor to where it could not go before.

One and Only
Universal Common Parcel Indexing Service

Parcelndex© enables real estate, finance, insurance, energy, utilities and government to easily achieve universal common parcel indexing by assigning an Open Geospatial Consortium compliant nonproprietary Universal Common Parcel indexing [UCPI] field to their hubs a data sets. Parcelndex© also updates Subscribers assigned NPNs every time lot splits, joins, adjusts and/or changes ownership. At first, increased accessibility/interoperability of ever more content with an apended UCPI Field is Nice-to-Have. With enough Subscribes, it becomes a Must-Have

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Infographic of the advantages of Boundary Solutions Inc
Big Query text with a map on the background


Query size limited to 685 Gb, not 2 Gb as with all other NPLs. Select all parcels <5MI from every power plant in Appalachia and extract associated OWNER INFO to update a Notification Database.

When Needed text with a map on the background


VIEW Manipulation so that content can be swapped out, ‘renting’ LIVE county data by the Quarter. For Example, INITIAL BASE is 274 densest US Counties Followed by Swapping In and Out Counties on Quarterly Basis AS NEEDED, rather than paying the whole country for all 4 Quarters.

Normalized Used Codes Text with a map on the background


With over 350 designations, Quantarium Use Code values can stand in for zoning. In this Twelve County ParcelAtlas Land Use Coverage used by Mineta Transportation Institute, Cal State San Jose to fine tune results of a transit Plan by isolating all commute trips according to their assigned land use at each end of each trip.


Globally unique, persistent, non-proprietary, free, Open Location code(OLC) based National Parcel Number IDs are assigned to every parcel boundary. NPN is OGC’s choice as candidate world wide parcel ID standard. The NPN’s locational component is the parcel boundaries’ Plus Code centroid. Links between multi-interest parcel and their owner records is handled by a Property ID component. 


Stand-alone executable, Parcelndex, migrates ParcelAtlas NPNs to corresponding boundaries/records. Details below.


        We have been developing a Universal Common Parcel Inexexing capability for 5 years.
Our mission is to make our National Parcel Number (NPN) the Universal Common Parcel Indexing the
standard of whole world to vastly improve the operations of all Businesses that depend on real estate
|information. We are pleased to add our protocol has been recognized by Open Geospatial Consortium (OCG)
as the candidate Parcel ID standard worldwide.


Over 4000 local governments assign Assessor Parcel Numbers to properties, each using unique formats and methods. There is no standardization.

Most developed nations already have Ccommon Parcel Indexing. Our land records are primitive, growing ever less competitive in attracting investment.

By a persistent golbally unique Parcel ID, NPN, assigned to every parcel boundary and related Record, linking maps to records and vice versa is just a point-and shoot away.




You know you could much more accurately predict real estate values IF ONLY you added another key data set or two. The time and trouble is a show stopper to do it and keep it current every time a parcel is split, joined, changes shap and/owner owner,

With NPN USA Common Indexing assignment service, just Minutes to add an NPN field to any database;

just Seconds to Match NPN Fields to join them together.


                                        NPN Assignment Process                                          

Point-in Parcel Lat-Long in Source File finds matching parcel somewhere in USA. NPN Assigned to parcel is written back to appended NCPI Field in Source File.

NPN Values are eternally updated to reflect every parcel boundary Spit, Join, Adjustment and/or Ownership Change.

  NPN Updating Process


Imagine  only 4 parcels in America in Year 1.   In year 2, there is a lot line adjustment. Note 2 new NPNs are created while the 2 original NPNs, no longer the centroid of any Current Parcel, are retired to a LEGACY NPN TABLE, link listed with the parcel NPN they are now in. Ditto, when lots split or join.

Let’s Assume there are TWO NCPI Services.  

On April 5, Service A broadcasts update of the NCPI Field with 2 new NPNs as well as adding 2 retired NPNs to the LEGACY NPN TABLE.


On April 25, Service B does the same. For 20 days there are multiple NPNs in play in a 1-NPN-per-parcel world. Impossible to update at same time,



“My research group has been working with Boundary Solutions/ParcelAtlas for a few years. The ease of working with the interface and bringing in the latest parcel information has been truly exceptional in supporting our extensive study of post disaster conditions due to various factors. The ample assessor information assigned to every parcel has proved a competent resource for our study of the impact Climate Change on housing values and availability.”

University of Maryland Dept of Civil Engineering
Deb Niemeier, Clark Distinguished Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering

“We are quite pleased with the quality and completeness of ParcelAltlas Property Information as well as BSI’s quick and competent response to our every question that greatly expedited or progress.”

Bay Area Transit Study
Albrecht, Mineta Transportation Lead Analyst

“We are getting the data we need for about 1/3 the price of our prior National Service Provider. What has also proven attractive is the fact that ParcelAtlas is deployed INSIDE ArcGIS Online. We use Esri pretty extensively and it really helps streamline this process. Before, we would get a data file and then we would have to bring it in and publish it inside AGOL.”

Southern Pine Electric
Jeremiah Seal, Engineering Service Manager

“OGC is also actively pursing Pilot Project participants as part of an overall process to assess the suitability of the National NPN Repository as an international standard for global unique persistent parcel ID assignment. OGC shall be kept abreast and share in the results of any Pilot Testing conducted between our two organizations.”

Open Data Consortium
Certification Staff

“Having started Actovia 12 years ago, it is a huge challenge to continuously enable our Subscribers INSTANT access the most accurate commercial & real estate property, ownership and mortgage. No small task to lead the industry in the highest degree of data granularity and currency pertaining to loans, mortgages, ownership, and property specs. To do this, we have worked for years establishing perpetual flows of time sensitive, highly desirable CRE data from scores of sources to the Actovia Data Hub. How do we do it now. Proprietary normalized indexing, lots of development hours followed by eternal surveillance to fix mishaps. Not very glamorous stuff but we are nothing without it. What is frustrating to me, we do not have to do any of this. Settle on a National Parcel Number Protocol and, hook and cruck, we look up one day not too far off and NPNs are assigned to every parcel and every record in every report worth adding to the mix. Not only would establishing interoperability be a matter of minutes instead of weeks/months, everything Actovia offers will truly BE sub second every time. So, what would we do with all the savings from national indexing? Instead of perpetually mucking about, holding things together, spend the time on improving our craft and future of Real Estate Industry.”

Active Commercial Mortgage Intelligence
Jonathan Ingber

Don't Have a National Parcel Layer Content Service Yet?

Already using a competing NPL Service.
Not a problem. You can put Parcelndex© to work whether or not you are an ArcGIS Online and/or ParcelAtlas Subscriber! As part of this Rollout, for a limited time, Parcelndex API is free for one year for adding common land parcel indexing fields to data sets everywhere so your enterprise can become one humming interoperable Analytical / Accountability powerhouse. For the whole UNC story, watch the UNC VIDEO.

So How Do I Get in Early?
Be first to open many new markets and services as you help expedite the transition from no common indexing anywhere to Universal NPN Compliance [UNC] everywhere, bringing us to parity with most Asian and European nations. Be the first to harness the far greater analytic power spawned by UNC into making real estate prediction far more reliable? Be in the best possible position as Parcelndex accelerates local investment due to Real Estate becoming more of a sure thing.

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